Watch the video below to learn what you will learn in this free web class to begin implementing real-time in your personal or professional pursuits:
The #1 limiting belief people have that prevents them from using their gifts and talents to impact locally and build globally
How to attract, empower, and mobilize People who support your purpose in life, and make unreasonable requests to propel you forward.
How to identify, influence, and leverage Policies -- legal frameworks, ethical guidelines, and compliance measures that are conducive for you to thrive.
How to set up automated workflows Processes that free up your time—allowing you to focus on impacting locally and building globally right from your current location.
Hey, there! It's W.E. Da'Cruz. I am a wife, mother of three, International Consultant, and Award-Winning Tech and Food Entrepreneur. I am also a Doctoral Student at the University of Michigan, U.S. Government Foreign Agriculture Trade Advisor for Processed Foods, and U.S. Embassy Speaker. However, while the vision is clear the journey is blurry.
At the age of 24, I was on the road to fulfilling my dreams. After receiving a full-tuition scholarship twice, I completed a Bachelors and dual Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations, and Public Administration in 7 years. Despite having many academic accolades, I found myself in a position like most people in this generation: unemployed. After applying for government support, I decided: "If they won't hire me, I'll hire myself."
For the past decade, I've learned that the pathway to purpose no matter the pain of your process is at the intersection of how you navigate People, Policies, and Processes. I'm here to teach you how so that you can begin to impact locally and build globally.
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